Half/Reduced Fare Requirements
Palm Tran offers a half fare on our single-trip cash fare and a reduced price on all QUIK Passes and select Paradise Pass limited-use tickets for those who qualify. Passengers riding for a half fare or using a reduced-fare QUIK Pass or Paradise Pass must be able to present identification when boarding the bus which can include:
- Senior – any person 65 years or older with a valid driver’s license or Florida State ID card. A Florida State Identification card can be obtained from the Drivers License Bureau.
- Student – age 21 or under. Must show valid school ID.
- Disabled – Medicare Card, Dated Letter (on Doctor’s letterhead) stating 50% or more permanent disability, a Social Security Award Letter stating “disabled individual” and a valid government issued photo ID. Fixed-Route buses are equipped with ramps and wheelchair securement devices.
- Medicare – Recipient must show their Medicare card to receive a half fare.
- Veteran’s Administration – Must show their “Service Connected” VA card.
Paradise Pass users can register their account as half/reduced fare by emailing: PTdiscount@pbcgov.org or visit: 50 S. Military Trail.
Free Fare Requirements
- Customers with an ADA photo ID card with a green stripe special issued from Palm Tran Connection.
- Children 8 and under ride free when accompanied by a fare paying passenger.
- Police officer in uniform or with badge.
Customers with a Medicaid card do not receive a half fare
Customers must qualify to purchase the discounted TD Bus Pass. Proof of household income, legal status and photo ID must be submitted to Palm Tran CONNECTION. This information will be verified prior to certifying current customers or enrolling new customers in the TD Bus Pass Program.

- Those approved for the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) $15.00 or $20.00 31-Day Fare Pass.
- Program can purchase passes at: Palm Tran Connection Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- After approval, passes are available at the Palm Tran Connection location West Palm Beach Intermodal Transit Center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m
- 31-Day Reduced: $15.00. TD customers with an annual income of 75% or less of the Federal Poverty Level
- 31-Day: $20.00 TD customers with an annual income between 76% and 150% of the Federal Poverty level